Developing an implementation strategy is always an exercise in committing to an ongoing process that involves making the best choices in the present, becoming cleaner architecturally over time, and realizing
Reports covering the range of technologies involved in engaging the online consumer.
From technical questions to marketing strategy, advice whenever you need it.
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Web Experience Management
From product evaluations, to client inquiries, to market research. Expertise in all areas of web experience technology, business process, and strategy.
Because our clients are often making complex technology decisions or trying to understand some aspect of the software market, our advisory process usually includes live conversations or in-person meetings in which we help customers solve their specific problems. While reports and webinars may provide a certain level of basic education on a range of topics, there is no substitute for talking to an expert when it comes to solving specific tactical problems or developing unique strategic plans.
From the Blog
In this first episode of Digital Experience Analogs, Tony speaks with Willem Rossieau, CEO at GX Software, about the what and how of using DX platforms to generate actionable customer
I just downloaded and read an e-book entitled “5 Things Every Modern CMS Should Deliver.” Rather than consciously break a new year’s resolution to complain less, I’ll just say that,